Costs have increased again

As you might expect the costs of running the site have increased again and I have funded this from my own pocket with some support form friends and well wishers along with the good folk at Greatworth Park.

I can no longer keep this site running in its current form and with its current costs and so have moved move to another provider and the site costs have dropped by a bout two thirds.

It appears to have gone smoothly, if you have any problems with the site, accessing the pages or logging in then please do drop me a line admin @ (remove the spaces)

The Road to the Barracks

When Philip did the earlier aerial videos for us the one bit he didn’t really get was the route down to the old barracks.

I now own my own little drone having gotten the bug whilst trying to get the earlier footage so yesterday I was able to get a small flight from the edge of the TX Hall site to the site of the old barracks and while I was there I managed to grab a bit of footage of the old shack.

All footage was filmed with consent.

HS2 Plans

I thought some of the members might be interested to see how HS2 will impact the old site.

The image below is a section of the plans around that area, I cant put the whole plan up its too big for me to scan, but this excerpt shows the way the line, marked as four dotted parallel lines, will literally cut the site in two.

You can also see that it will require a new entrance for the company currently housed in the old TX Hall and the complete destruction of the accommodation block and surrounding buildings.

Today From Above

I promised sometime ago that I would bring you some amazing new images of the old site as it is today and here they are.

There are quite a few, choose to run through a slideshow or look at them as thumbnails and open them up individually. Most of all I hope you enjoy them.

This started as an attempt to record the site before HS2 demolishes the “new” accommodation block this year. The line will run right through the site and it will be changed forever. The entrance will go, the remains of any of the concrete plinths will be removed and the accommodation building will disappear. I find it quite sad. I was stationed here for almost five years from April 1982 to January 1987, I married the local barmaid during that time and on demob, I came back to this area. All my family have grown up and now live and work in the surrounding towns and villages.

These images are the culmination of weeks, possibly months of work by the Greatworth Park Management seeking permission from HS2 and yours truly finding someone who could and would be prepared to do this for us without payment and then agreeing the transfer any ownership etc. I am forever grateful to Amanda at Greatworth Park but especially to a man named Phillip Jolley who I didn’t know until recently but who answered my call to arms, gave up his time for free and pushed this through until we had these photos and videos.

Mr Jolley retains all copyright on the images here but they are reproduced with his permission. Please respect this.


Today From Above
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