I thought some of the members might be interested to see how HS2 will impact the old site.
The image below is a section of the plans around that area, I cant put the whole plan up its too big for me to scan, but this excerpt shows the way the line, marked as four dotted parallel lines, will literally cut the site in two.
You can also see that it will require a new entrance for the company currently housed in the old TX Hall and the complete destruction of the accommodation block and surrounding buildings.
Thank you for updating me –It seems as though a piece of my life is being torn away. However, the happy 3 years I spent at Greatworth cannot be erased from my memory! Although I live in the USA, many pictures of the site remain with me. I wonder if some of Floyd’s farm is being invaded by this intrusion? Hopefully Greatworth Classics is not too upset by this???
Most of the information I get about the site today comes from Amanda and the lovely folks running Greatworth Park. I cant speak for them but they have done a lot to at least keep some memory of the site as it was alive and it was Amanda who contacted me to arrange the drone footage so that we have a more permanent record of it pre-HS2 and copies of the videos and imagery have been donated to them by the pilot and photographer. They are also keen to take images from this site and its members to use and show as part of their business to retain the history.
I know what you mean about having a part of you torn away. It is daft, I left RAF Greatworth more than thirty years ago, but it still feels like a part of me that is being demolished.
accommodation block and surrounding buildings. Any chance of carrying out an upstanding building archaeological survey of the surviving structures?
The accommodation buildings and those attached to or surrounding it are now part of the HS2 site and neither I nor Greatworth Park Estates would be able to grant that access for you. I think that you would need to contact HS2 directly.
Some documentary research was undertaken by Wardell-Armstrong under commission from Fusion/HS2 and we attempted to gain access to the buildings to take some internal photographs prior to any work commencing but to the best of my knowledge, neither they nor Greatworth Park have managed such access and of course the current Covid situation has made this even more complicated.
If you manage to find someone who can/will grant permission to enter the buildings and do any other survey please let me know, if you wish to use any of the photos of buildings or the aerial footage from this site I am sure you would be able. Copyright of the Aerial footage remains with the photographer/operator, photos that dont contain any persons in them are freely available.
I can facilitate further communications if necessary.