Keeping the Site up

I developed this site at very short notice and tried to keep all the functionality that Martin had built into his original site over the years.

For expediency I chose to use what I considered the most simple and straightforward options at the time and this came at a cost. In 2018 I paid this out of pocket, in 2019 the current management team at Greatworth Park very kindly sponsored some of the costs and I have asked them to consider doing so again this year, but there will still be some costs to pay out of pocket.

Unfortunately, like many this year, finances have taken a hit and I cannot continue to fund the site. I am asking members to help out or I’ll need to change the site and simplify the operation by making it all public and removing the members only areas.

I have setup a JustGiving Page for members, friends and family to contribute to keeping this site alive. If I don’t get the necessary financial assistance I’ll have no choice but to take it down at the end of December for a period and simplify the site as discussed.

You can support the site financially here if you choose to.

4 Replies to “Keeping the Site up”

  1. I really want to help maintain this site please stay in touch even though I’m in Oregon USA ph.\number reacted for safety\
    When the covid disaster is over I hope to visit Greatworth and possibly meet some of the old techies?

    1. Stan,

      Thanks for you for the support, I don’t know how many people actually use the site and most new member request are from cyber criminals or spammers.

      I’ve removed you phone number for safety. I wasn’t sure if you intended it to be made public if you did drop me a line and I’ll add it back, in the meantime i’ll keep it safe so I can get in touch.

      1. Ian please write to me on my email or phone -I’ve lost your email address!

        1. Ian –if you still have my number –call me and I will tell you my address
          and we can chat about donation to the site.–I have lost your personal e-mail too.

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